About us

Compliance Plus, Inc. provides affordable compliance training and consulting services nationwide. Compliance Plus, Inc. also provides in-house training, seminars, website reviews, and webinars through various trade associations and vendors, and more!

If you are looking for assistance in establishing and maintaining compliance programs in your credit union, Compliance Plus, Inc. is here to help.  Large and small institutions have discovered that no matter how many employees they have, there is never enough time to do it all.

For information about available seminars and webinars, see the listing under Training. Click here or on the Training button on the left.

Are you short on time to develop and present a training program for your staff? Need a subject matter expert who can explain complex laws and regulations in a way that is meaningful to your staff? Training only works if it is presented in a way that the staff "gets it". And that's where Compliance Plus, Inc. comes in.

Are you unsure whether your financial institution's website meets all the rules regarding advertising and disclosures? A website compliance and content review includes a report on the oeprational, regulatory and functional aspects of the financial institution's website. Websites are a breeding ground for potential violations of consumer protection laws and regulations. Find out what you need to know about yours....

I have had the pleasure of working with Mary-Lou on many compliance projects over the years, including website reviews.  She is very thorough and extremely knowledgeable about all of the rules and regulations in our business. I trust her expertise.   
                Heather Summers, Senior Vice President of Marketing
                LBS Financial Credit Union $1.3B in assets

Compliance Plus, Inc. provides quality, professional and timely services to get you on track.

Compliance Plus, Inc. was originally founded to provide compliance assistance to credit unions. After over a decade serving this specialized market and seeing the shrinking of credit unions from over 14,000 to a little over 6600 the decision was made to expand service to include community banks in 2014. From  a compliance standpoint, there is a minimal difference in complying with laws and regulations. And from a philosophical standpoint, both credit unions and community banks are consumer-centric. With all the other "bank" compliance folks throwing their hat into the credit union market, well, it just makes more sense than ever!

One added benefit - time is a limited and valuable commodity - so it shouldn't be wasted in endless meetings and shifting through reams of data. All services and reports are thorough and straight to the point.

Mary-Lou Heighes is the President and founder of Compliance Plus, Inc. You can reach her directly at (562) 867-1531 or by e-mail
